Workplace Wellness

Workplace wellness focuses on enhancing different aspects of work life; from an organization’s environment and having a sense of belonging, to policies and opportunities, all influencing how one feels, shows up and commits to the workplace experience.

In a time where people are becoming more in tune with their values, norms are shifting to focus on alignment that supports overall wellbeing. Organizations have an invitation to creatively explore opportunities to contribute to such.

Does your organization value contributing to a positive workplace culture and investing in workplace wellness?

Yoga and other mindfulness practices can help!

Yoga is a holistic modality that cultivates self-awareness and reflection, conscious connection to breath and movement, stillness and observation, along with interpersonal connection and a sense of community. Yoga comes with a number of benefits that can contribute to mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health and well being.

Happy to bring a curated yoga experience to you and your team members within your workplace! Whether through a physical practice, presentation, or a hybrid of both!

Contact me to explore experiential possibilities and rates.

Did you know…

In October of 2024, the Canadian Mental Health Association Nova Scotia Division published reflection on the vital connection between mental health and work. The following material is quoted from the CMHA NS Division:

Workplaces can play an essential part in maintaining positive mental health. A supportive work environment fosters mental health, providing purpose and stability. But poor working conditions can harm mental well-being, reducing both job satisfaction and productivity. With most adults spending more of their waking hours at work than anywhere else, addressing issues of mental health at work is vitally important for all people in Canada.

  • 70% of Canadian employees are concerned about the psychological health and safety of their workplace, and 14% don’t think theirs is healthy or safe at all. Such workplaces can take a detrimental personal toll as well as contribute to staggering economic costs.

  • Mental wellness achieved from recreation activities include increased self-esteem, sense of accomplishment, increased self-confidence, reduced stress and increased ability to cope, improved quality of life8, and life satisfaction.

  • Increasing the 5 core social and emotional competencies (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social-Awareness, Relationship Management, and Responsible Decision-Making) has been shown to impact psychological well-being, employee satisfaction, employee retention, group cohesion, and lower long-term disability costs.