The art of holding space through a trauma aware lens and the practice of teaching yoga.

25hr Trauma Aware Training

Anticipated to inform your relationship with yourself and with the space you hold,  this learning opportunity has potential to grow and inform you as an individual and as an Instructor.  Kindred welcomes those who are currently established in Yoga Teacher Training, as well as graduates thereof.  Other mind-body space holders with a yoga practice may also feel called to join. 

Exploratory in nature, this training is designed to contribute depth and dimension to one’s teaching by linking the interrelationship between the experience of trauma, the physical practice of yoga and the mind-body connection.  As a space holder for the asana aspect of yoga, we will examine how to cultivate core principles of trauma aware care in the yoga room, while teaching in community class settings.  

The experience is shared in community through theory, physiology, energetics, introspective reflection and practical application.   

Kindred Offerings:

Halifax Yoga Studio May 2025 Click here for more information.

Want a Kindred experience in your studio or space near you?  Contact me to explore.
